Last update on :
Jan 13 2013
Downloads :
(15942) ~ 51.7 Mio
arno54 suggests :
Flamant MD312 V1.2
ICAO : MD312
based on the work of arno54
PERIOD : 1950-1969
CHECKED with X-Plane: 9.41 - 9.45
Uses a Plug-in : no
A gread THANK YOU to all those contributed to build this airplane.
In the first place, the association Montbéliard Dassault 312. We owe almost all information and documentation necessary to achieve the plane. You will find in the archive a doc called "Bon de commande.pdf" : please know that each T-shirt, cap each, each derived object purchased helps to keep the real 319-CG airworthy. Do not hesitate to contribute to the survival of the Flamant, this is the best way to thank both contributors of X-Plane aircraft and especially the men and women who keep the 319-CG at arm's length, everyday.
Direct contributors:
- Afriqs: some textures instruments. - Hum ... more than half in fact. (And the lower half to achieve break-up ... I kept the easiest, not crazy!),
- After: development of change for driving the propeller in flight. - After the forum is known as xplane.fr "After1246" designer a great reputation falcon. You will meet him on his website.
- Beber: surface texture and 3D elements. It is not required to present Beber who, this time, focused on making a 3D special small config ... but very realist.
- Kimono: checklists. New member in XPFR, Kimono is a former naval aviation having flown also MD312M. He has made here a really nice job converting the data in the flight manual to a check list in the format compliant with the plugin Checklister ...
Indirect Contributors:
They found some document, some source, or they are beta testers, or good advice people ... so, people who, although they have not contributed directly, intervened in the construction of the plane and thus helped to achieve it.
- Andertal, Benead, Chouchou2570, Daniel_L, Jean (thanks for the scenery "Istres" made especially for the development of the flight model!), Lionel, Tibozeboss, ...