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Association XPFR - STATUTES

The statutes are an official and legal document for which we have not an offical certified translation.
Please prefers to read this page in French.

For information only, here is an unofficial automatic translation from google :

Article 1 - Form, name and duration

A collegial association called "XPFR" is founded between the members of these statutes, for an unlimited period. It is governed by the law of July 1, 1901, the decree of August 16, 1901 and these statutes.

Article 2 - Objects

This association aims to help authors to create and distribute extensions or tools for the X-Plane flight simulator.

Article 3 - Headquarters

The association's initial registered office is at Mr Jean Barthet, 7 avenue des Platanes, 31700 Blagnac. It can be transferred by simple decision of the collegiate council.

Article 4 - Means of action

The association manages a website (http://xpfr.org), a privileged means of distributing productions in its name or in the name of its members.

It provides its members with a private forum dedicated to discussions on each current project, to the management of the association and its resources.

It has a mailing list by email to contact all members, even if they do not regularly participate in the forum.

It may engage in meetings specific to X-Plane or to other simulators, for example to make known X-Plane or the association itself, or any activity compatible with its goals.

(This list is neither exhaustive nor exhaustive).

Article 5 - Members

The association is made up of:

Active members:

An active member is any natural person who actively participates in the life of the association, after having been admitted as a member of the association by the collegiate council which decides on each application for admission presented.

The status of active member is tacitly renewable as long as the member participates in the life of the association.

A member who has not given any sign of life for 6 months will be contacted privately by a member of the collegiate council in order to find out what direction he wishes to take vis-à-vis the association: inactivity, departure ... At the same time, his personal access to the website will be disabled in order to avoid any uncontrollable intrusion in his absence. They will be reactivated on request from one of the members of the college council.

In the event of a complete lack of response, the board may decide to exclude the member, whether temporary or definitive. In the latter case, a membership request must be made again to join the group later.

Inactive members:

An inactive member is any previously admitted member who no longer actively participates, but wishes to remain a member in anticipation of subsequent activities. He remains a member of the association and can become an active member again on request from a member of the collegiate council.

Honorary member:

An honorary member is any person who does not participate directly in the work of the association but has a specific activity required for the smooth running of the association. Their appointment is decided by the collegiate council and is notified to the General Assembly.

Benefactor members:

Benefactor members are people who render, or have rendered, notable services to the association. Their appointment is decided by the collegiate council and is notified to the General Assembly.

All members undertake to adhere to the statutes and internal regulations. They are not subject to a contribution. Each has a personal voice during general assemblies or collegiate council meetings, usable by proxy.

The quality of member of the association is lost by resignation, by death or by exclusion pronounced by the collegiate council following a change of situation or for serious reasons and after dialogue with the interested party.

The association can invite external authors for specific needs or durations, under the name “Guests”. They are not members of the association.

Article 6 - Collegial Council

The association is administered by a collegiate council made up of at least 3 active members of the association, it is limited to 7 members.

He is vested with the broadest powers to implement the decisions of the general assembly and its meetings and to act in all circumstances on behalf of the association. Each of its members represents the association in all acts of the association's civil life. The work of secretarial, archiving, treasury and declarations in the prefecture rotates among the members of the collegial council.

In the event of vacancy, the collegiate council, assisted by all active members, co-opts active members who will be approved by the nearest general assembly.

The collegiate council deliberates whenever it deems necessary or at the request of a quarter of the active members and takes its decisions by consensus according to the terms of the internal regulations. He can invite to the discussion any active member or any person he deems necessary for the proper functioning of the association.

Article 7 - General meeting

The general assembly includes all the members of the association. It meets at least once a year and each time it is convened by the collegiate council or at the request of a quarter of the members of the association.

Each member present may carry proxies, up to a limit of one third of the votes present or represented.

It takes its decisions by consensus or according to the terms of the internal regulations. At the start of the session, she chooses the people who will lead the debates and make a written report. It hears the reports on the financial and moral situation of the association and the evaluations of the decisions taken by the previous general assembly. It examines the accounts for the closed financial year and the budget for the following financial year. She hears the presentations of new members to the college council and the reports of outgoing members that she approves if she wishes.

Article 8 - Rules of procedure

Rules of procedure drawn up by all active members may be adopted by the general assembly to specify the modalities of execution of these statutes.

Article 9 - Communications and archives

As the members of the association are geographically dispersed in France and abroad, most of the communications will take place through a forum or a mailing list, the details of which will appear in the internal regulations.

The reports and all the legal texts of the association will be accessible at any time to the members of the association and to any person authorized to consult them, in the form of dematerialized documents in a public format adapted to the needs. The association will ensure the conservation of these dematerialized documents with the same durability as that of the equivalent paper documents.

Article 10 - Resources

The resources of the association include all the resources authorized by law, in particular any income falling within the framework of the association's goals: donations, subsidies, sales, etc.

Public accounts will be kept in the highest transparency showing all income and expenditure.

Article 11 - Amendments

These statutes may be amended if necessary, after approval of the new version by at least half of the votes represented at the general meeting which will decide.

Article 12 - Dissolution

In the event of dissolution pronounced by the general assembly, the patrimony of the association will revert to one or more associations designated by the general assembly, in accordance with article 9 of the law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901 .

The present statutes were approved by the constitutive assembly of 13 javier 2013.

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